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...And Peter

Writer's picture: CharelleCharelle

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Have you ever sworn something to someone and meant it with all your heart, only to break your vow to them almost immediately? Me, too. Peter was certain that nothing would ever come between Jesus and him. He would stand with Jesus even unto death. And, then, came the moment of decision...

A little of the backstory

Jesus' time on earth was drawing to a close. He had gathered the 12 disciples together and was preparing them for what was to come. Trying to anyway. They were having trouble comprehending some things. One of them being that, very shortly, the disciples would flee from Him. Peter immediately vowed his unwavering support come what may.

To make matters worse, Jesus, then, predicted that Peter would deny he even knew Him three times that very night before the rooster crowed. Peter, again, emphatically, expressed his loyalty, even unto death.

Hours later, Peter found himself in the courtyard vehemently denying he knew Jesus... “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him:“Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. (Luke 22:60-62)

The days following the crucifixion must have been very dark, and filled with overwhelming sorrow for all who knew and loved Jesus. But, oh, poor Peter! On top of trying to come to terms with all that had happened, he had the personal torture of knowing what he had done.


Hallelujah! Resurrection Day!

Can you imagine the joy that flooded Peter's soul upon hearing the news the angel shared that morning? Not only was Jesus alive, but He asked for him by name!

Even though Peter had denied knowing Him, Jesus included him still! Now, that’s unconditional love! I am so happy for Peter! The joy that the unconditional love of Jesus brings to our lives is all-encompassing. He wants to share that love with you, too.

Like Father. Like Son.

God is love. And, He poured it out on us the day He allowed His one and only Son to take on the sin of the world while He died on that cross. Jesus came willingly. It was their plan from the beginning. Jesus came to earth and lived as a man. He experienced every emotion and temptation that we do and still lived a perfect life that was pleasing to God. He did no wrong. Then, at the appointed time, He willingly laid down His life to reconcile us to God.

If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, no matter how good you try to be, you aren't ever going to be perfect. God can't be around sin because He's love. We're never going to be reconciled with our Creator if we don't go through Jesus to get there.

If you're reading this and are a follower of Christ, don't grow complacent! He wants us, who believe, to make sure everyone knows that they're loved no matter what. He wants none to suffer eternity separated from God. Nothing is so wrong that it can't be forgiven. Nothing except not realizing you need Jesus to be your link to God. We need to make sure everyone gets that message. There's no denying that time is growing short. If you haven't met Jesus yet, start a conversation! You can talk to Him or Father God. They're waiting and hoping you will—of that I have no doubt. They know where you've been, what you've done and haven't done, and they love you still. That's right. God loves YOU! Jesus does too. He died on the cross to give you an opportunity to be forgiven of your sin. Moreover, He'd have done it even if you were the only person He had a chance to save.

If you haven't asked Jesus into your life, all you have to do is talk to God! Tell Him that you're sorry for the things you've done that displease Him and that you believe Jesus is His Son and you need Him in your life as Lord & Savior. When you do that, a little piece of God is awakened within you. His name is Holy Spirit. You've heard of a spirit guide? Well, He's yours and mine both! Then, tell someone that’s what you believe because it shows we are NOT ashamed of our decision. We BELIEVE! Do you want to do that today? I'm hoping you choose to make today your day to enter the most amazing family you could ever hope to be a part of—the family of God! Do you want to know more about Jesus? You can read about His life beginning to end. There are four accounts documented in the Bible's New Testament. They are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. My Mom would always tell people they should start with the Book of John because it focuses on Jesus' great love for us. 💕 Love is good, yeah? Knowing someone loves us more than anything is the best. ☺ Maybe you should start there, too. ☺ I'm feeling like I need to pray. Okay? Father, God, I can't imagine what it was like for You that day Jesus died. Thank you doesn't seem like enough to say, but it's all I have. That and my vow to live my life for You, knowing that when I mess up, You love me still. That, and my eternal hope that You will touch hearts and open minds to receive the message of salvation. It's why I pray for those reading this. If they have not yet accepted Jesus as their Savior, I hope you use something in my words as the catalyst to spur the decision to seek You with all their heart. I know you are waiting for that and will make Yourself known. I pray they believe that Jesus died for the sin of the world and they can reconcile to You through Him. For those who read and are believers, I pray you light a fire in their hearts to spread the Good News of the salvation found in Jesus. Time is rushing headlong toward its end. We know not when You will send Jesus to come for us, but the world is in such a mess, it is surely crying out to you for relief. Raise us up to be a mighty army for truth until that day comes. Jesus, oh, Jesus. Thank you for making us your passion. Your love for us so great that you suffered so, shed your blood, and died an excruciating death to become our sacrifice. Your perfect life is covering our imperfection, if we but believe. I love you. I hope to help others meet you so they will love you, too. I praise God for Your Resurrection Day! It is in Your name I pray. Amen Happy Easter! May God's glory pour out on you and yours this Resurrection Day and every day thereafter! Hallelujah! Christ Arose! Comments welcome over on the Facebook page. I'd love to hear from you! Not gonna' lie... It's crickets over there! Let's get a conversation started! 👊😎 I'll see you next time! Love, C

Originally Posted 15th April 2017 by C at — Updated today.

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